VOL050 Top Cute Animals baby 2018 Top Funny Videos pictures EVER LoL Top HaHaHa most in the world top10

VOL050 Top Cute Animals baby 2018 Top Funny Videos pictures EVER LoL Top HaHaHa most in the world top10

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Who has a detailed infa, is the cat alive ??
Who are these brainless sikavki and where their dolbanat parents ?? For sake # hipe (a) torment the animal! If such soplesticks have no right to punish the law, can at least parents who brought them up bear responsibility to the full? I ask the repost, I ask to answer who has the detailed information !!! #security_new now
natali.aliveWhere this world is rolling ...... parents together with these geeks do not feel sorry ..... ahtung
2018_levFind it. Parents to the answer. School to answer. Who they bring up. The trial is indicative. What would the whole city know.
63_yura To fuck that for the filth that grows up, and pay attention mostly all the time girls ....
annalogichnaya @ sofiya_mango so you will provide addresses and surnames, a whole crowd will come to meet their parents and relatives.
sofiya_mango @ annalogichnaya Patsaeva 16 or Creative 7
leylatagiyeva041Vot manyaçki😠
kristinka20006 @ _vikki_23__ on the north, for patsaeva 7/2 new houses
kristinka20006 @ _vikki_23__ on the north, for patsaeva 7/2 new houses
kristinka20006Kot is alive
All this was happening in ZhK Star, Rostov-on-Don.
Elizaveta Zueva-ta, who is in the photo, Margarita Hasanova filmed all this, she threatens to beat those who stood up for this cat.
They are 13-16 years old. Photo was posted on August 17 in an open group called "Big Papin Belly". On the photos, they choke the cat with a package, holding it upside down.
They prove that this cat himself came to them, got his head in the bag and in the photo she takes the package off his head.
But we all understand and see that the package is tightened or tied.
All threats are recorded or sfotkany below.
We ask all volunteers from all cities and zoosecurity to join and help bring these juvenile bastards to criminal liability. Do not be lazy and make a repost.
We also ask the law enforcement agencies to pay attention.
Zooists and volunteers of Rostov, connect.
Here are the links to them:
two links to one girl who is in the photo. She herself, apparently, is afraid to answer.
a girl who took pictures. She threatened everyone that she would beat. She speaks for Lisa.
_polina_todes_provides can be dropped into private messages
tatjanakurushina @ lanusik71 is all the exact opposite, the more violence, humiliation and family of the child. The more they go and break away into the weak.
doctoroffa88 Here it is ... upbringing. Not many parents pay attention to an important part of the world, as humanity. Replacement of values ​​in the form of phones, tablets and so on. And then these pizzyuki and pizdyuki (geeks) will see the video of the fans, the same moral disabled since childhood, and they think it's cool! Fuck, parents, no words, waste time on children, share with them a priori real life values, like helping the world around, mercy, humanity. Why is Russia so horrified? Aggravation with every day of God! Such nizdostvami do not suddenly become, begins with a small, with an oversight of the family!
olga_lukaschevichChristmas ... regular
kolesnikova_eirhnLisa Zueva .... Morgo Hasanova !!!!!!!
marisana19 Little creatures !!! would punish them !!!
vergeltung__Che for a slut to her friends that in a circle were allowed into the male zone
karachkova_design The network of the network is full of such examples, the children already think that this is normal (((need more positive examples !!!!) Spread not only horror but video about how they saved and helped !!!! Guys, this is your task, let's submit good examples and inculcate the correct model of behavior! And it is time for youngsters to punish our state!
karachkova_designhttps: //www.instagram.com/p/BmzDfSHFQ_k/? utm_source = ig_share_sheet & igshid = 1cgxt86vzau98 Here are examples of positive actions and saving animals, it is necessary to show more positive things to children
daria_ryaplova Little Parasha.
daria_ryaplovaBashku would tear off, crap.
my cat everything is fine !!! The girls posted a video and said that he is alive and they love him .. this is certainly questionable.
annetina77 information about this must be conveyed to the school where they study, as well as to the department for cases with minors. It is possible and at the enterprises where their parents work, that life would not seem like honey.
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